Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Circus, Club of the Week

Come one, come all! See the amazing fire-eaters and hilarious clowns! Step right up, step right up! Come be frightened, titillated and amused by the amazing Humboldt Circus.

Humboldt State University's own Humboldt Circus mixes the crazy antics of the big top with a dash of burlesque and a pinch of the local laid-back attitude to create a show that is as much fun to watch as it is to perform.

Founded in 2000, Humboldt Circus is a rare opportunity for students who may have never had the opportunity to see a real circus to learn the skills of the big top and perform for their friends, family and community. Humboldt Circus offers instruction in poi spinning which is the ancient New Zealand art of spinning balls on chains that are sometimes on fire, juggling, clowning, acrobatics and many other unique feats.

Dan Menick has been a member of Humboldt Circus for two years and has performed in five shows. He now holds the title of co-Head Clown with Steven Dimon. "I've never been to a real circus," Menick said. The experience "opened [his] eyes" to things that he had previously never imagined and left him with experiences to be proud of, he said.

The members of Humboldt Circus come from many different backgrounds. Some have experience in the performing arts either through theater or other outlets while others are more familiar with static, visual arts. Others do not have any experience at all upon entrance, Menick said. This allows for many different perspectives and interpretations of what a circus should look like. This element, Menick said, is what makes Humboldt Circus so unique.

Steven Dimon has been performing with Humboldt Circus for two and a half years and is currently the head clown. He cannot imagine his Humboldt State experience without the Circus involved in it.

"I feel like I'm part of the true creative force of the community doing something inspiring and new," Dimon said. The circus for Dimon was "completely mind-altering" and gave him a new perspective on life and made him "a better person."

The Humboldt Circus wants to bring color and life to the community and inspire others to enjoy their lives and allow the spirit of Circus in.

"There is such a huge demand for Circus," Dimon said. The Humboldt Circus is there to fill that demand and inspire others to do the same.

One such person is Annie Sheppard, one of the newest members of Humboldt Circus. She is not currently a Humboldt State student but will be during the spring semester. After seeing one of Humboldt Circus' shows, Sheppard was inspired to take up juggling and is currently working as a visual designer for Humboldt Circus creating costumes and backgrounds. "I really wanted to contribute visually to something so inspiring," Sheppard said. She said she also hopes to incorporate the Circus into her life even more in the future.

Humboldt Circus meets every Tuesday and Thursday in the Forbes Complex from 5-7p.m.

Printed in The LumberJACK, 10-31-07

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